Saturday, June 13, 2009


I just have to share these shots from my garden! Since I'm in Minnesota, USA - we have some seriously, ridiculously, and I mean CRAZY cold winters. I am a southern girl at heart so I REALLY look forward to these nice warm months! As much as I am loving my new-found soldering self (I just want to make jewels all day...LOL), I had to spend a day outside for sure!
So, I inherited this mad-wild garden from Art and Dorothy (the previous owners of our home). Don't they sound darling??? Too cute indeed! Anyway - I've got flowers galore and it turns out I kind of like to dig in the dirt myself! It was a perfect 75 today with not a cloud! Cut the grass. I LOVE cutting the grass. I love the time to myself, I love the feeling when it's all done and *manicured* and mostly, I LOVE THE SMELL! They can bottle it, but there's nothing like the real deal...
It was just a great day! Here's some shots. I love taking pictures! Again - it's my craft/hobby/try new things ADD! I know I have it! LOL! I'm so glad I live in a digital time - I take so many it's ridiculous! Hope you all enjoy them, hope you're all smiling today and I wish you could smell this fresh cut grass...
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots
From blog shots


  1. Beautiful! I love flowers too! Your images are fabulous. thanks for the inspiration!

  2. SIGH...I envy your flowers. I adore irises and when we lived in Boston I'd get them all the time. Here in Texas, they'd last less than 5 minutes in my garden with the heat. I miss the pretty cooler weather spring flowers :(
